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HEY National Pilot
Training Workshops

The National Pilot Training Courses ensured the so called "cascade model" effect, in terms of dissemination of the project's results and therefore in terms of impacts and sustainability of the project itself.

In total 6 National Pilot Training Courses were organized online, upon the conclusion of the transnational H.E.Y! Training course, with approximately 10 participants each. The objectives were to

  • Pilot test the Training Modules, methods and tools encouraging participants to be actively involved in the process of improving the modules and training material.

  • Foster  a sense of shared responsibility for services, to incorporate a sense of mutuality, empathy and respect, to grow social networks,by creating opportunities to connect with other groups in the wider community.

Portugal Pilot Training Workshop

Portugal Pilot Training Workshop

Cyprus Pilot Training Workshop

Cyprus Pilot Training Workshop

Italy Pilot Training Workshop

Italy Pilot Training Workshop

Ireland Pilot Training Workshop

Ireland Pilot Training Workshop

France Pilot Training Workshop

France (Paris) Storytelling Workshop

France Pilot Training Workshop

France (Strasbourg) Pilot Training Workshop

Spain Pilot Training Workshop

Spain Pilot Training Workshop

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