Our project 'H.E.Y! Heightening the Engagement of Youth!' supports youth engagement initiatives and their empowerment.
From the 5th to the 6th of May 2023, in Nicosia, (Cyprus), during a national 2nd event entitled “Connect Youth Forum” H.E.Y! will be presented by our leader SPAO. In particular, Ifigenia Katchie, project manager at SPAO, will represent the project and its consortium!
The event is organised within the framework of the “Connect: The Art of Youth Participation” project, co-funded by Erasmus+.
The Forum is divided into 5 thematic sessions as follows:
1) Youth and Active Citizenship at the Local Level
2) Youth Policy on Youth Employability and Youth Entrepreneurship
3) Youth Policies promoting Environmental Awareness
4) Youth Policies promoting Gender Equality
5) Youth Policies Against Sexual Violence.
The HEY! Project will be introduced under Thematic Session 2, during a workshop presenting a good practice entitled “H.E.Y! Empowerment and Support of young people in confronting challenges after Returning to Cyprus and while going through 1 gap year”.
Moreover, information about the project will be provided, such as aims and objectives, the consortium, project activities, and the finalised project results and products produced.